Monday, September 3, 2007

Wow what a day

Hi hi hi hi hi hi! Man! WHat a DAY! i Am sooo tired now. I feel likke as though i haven't slept for 3 days! Ok so you may be wandering, "wat in the world did you do today?!"
Well, Jeremy and Benedict came over today to do our Advertisement. First i went to J's house b4 heading for ben's. We took a look at his slope and decided that it was the best! So then off to my home.
We arrived and yeah.. You know pretty much what happened next. So blah blah blah blah.......

After that, my mum and i sent ben woo to school for sum Table tennis CCA thing. WATEVER.... Then we sent Jeremy back. It the car, it seemed awfully quiet. No one spoke. Everyone just hoped that someone would start sumthing to talk about. It was then that i came to realise that Friends are a very important part of your life. When we were sending ben, everyone was eager to say something.(jeremy, this has nothing to do with you being boring)Everyone wanted to add on. I learnt that people can be awfully shy when their alone in a crowd of peeps they don't know. That's how some ppl pobably grew up. Sigh...

Anyway, after sending Jeremy home, we went home and then i had to go for tuition. Straight after that, I went to ben's house to hand over the cart for our ad to him.

Till my next post, i shall count the seconds.

So far i'm up to 4!
(to be continued...)

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