Friday, September 7, 2007


okok... first of all, the trolley that i asked mummy to lend us to do our advertisement is broken!!!!! and what's more, she is really fed up! and angry!(do they mean the same thing?)

also, jeremy has terrible news for us. when he put our advertisement together, IT TURNED UP WITH 8 CHANGE OF SCENES! WHAT KIND OF AD HAS A CHANGE OF 8 SCENES?!!!!! WTF!

now waiting for jeremy to send me the file. and wow!!! he is really taking a loooooooonnnggg time!

Must have been someone who didn't wish me luck.. make sure it wasn't you! hahas. bye!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Hi hi hi

Okay today was a reeeeealllllyyy boooring dayy.... I just woke up, ate lunch(yes i woke up quite late, about 10),and went to study till 4 and went for tuition. Came back, ate dinner, watch tv and now, blog.

Anyway, tomorrow going to go Benedict's house to film. Jeremy isn't going so yeah.. Hopefully we manage to finish it. It is either we finish it or we fail so wish me the best of luck.

Ok now i'm busy playing need for madness. I'll change the link as soon as possible. TATA!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

BLah Blah...

Ok so i didn't post again.. Big deal.. NEvermind. Anyway, today's filming was horrible!!! Jeremy and Benedict kept on disagreeing and getting mad at each other. Mad as in angry. As to whose side I am on, I am in no posittion to comment. So anyway, this Friday, we'll be going back to Benedict's home, WITHOUT Jeremy, so that we will be able to finish it, FASTER. lolx

Whatever it is, all I know is that we will get it done. Or rather i hope. SEE YA!


Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Is it HOT in here or is it me?

Hahas... After 9 hours of sleep and adding another 30 mins of rest, I AM STILL SO FREAKING TIRED!!!!!!!! My eyes are soooo heavy... I think i'll sleep at 10 plus tonight.

Tomorrow have to go ben's house again for the filming. Wish me luck! Sigh.. I think i may be falling sick... Anyway, gonna go finish up my english homework so Peace Out!

P.S. I'll probAbly write another post tonight ;)

Monday, September 3, 2007

Wow what a day

Hi hi hi hi hi hi! Man! WHat a DAY! i Am sooo tired now. I feel likke as though i haven't slept for 3 days! Ok so you may be wandering, "wat in the world did you do today?!"
Well, Jeremy and Benedict came over today to do our Advertisement. First i went to J's house b4 heading for ben's. We took a look at his slope and decided that it was the best! So then off to my home.
We arrived and yeah.. You know pretty much what happened next. So blah blah blah blah.......

After that, my mum and i sent ben woo to school for sum Table tennis CCA thing. WATEVER.... Then we sent Jeremy back. It the car, it seemed awfully quiet. No one spoke. Everyone just hoped that someone would start sumthing to talk about. It was then that i came to realise that Friends are a very important part of your life. When we were sending ben, everyone was eager to say something.(jeremy, this has nothing to do with you being boring)Everyone wanted to add on. I learnt that people can be awfully shy when their alone in a crowd of peeps they don't know. That's how some ppl pobably grew up. Sigh...

Anyway, after sending Jeremy home, we went home and then i had to go for tuition. Straight after that, I went to ben's house to hand over the cart for our ad to him.

Till my next post, i shall count the seconds.

So far i'm up to 4!
(to be continued...)

Sunday, September 2, 2007

A day with no light

Okay. I have found time to post today! Yay! So far, i have finished my history work, my maths worksheet and uh... I think that's all.

So as the title says, can you actually imagine a day without the sun? Maybe even our home lights? Imagine how dark it would be. I'll probably knock into everything that's in my home and probably break all of it, with the exception of the wall. Hmm, kinda boring subject to talk cause you practically know what will happen and we'll all start laughing until one day it really happens. Hmmmm...
Anyway, ex classmate came over yesterday and yup! You guessed it! We played halo. I MEAN LIKE WHAT ELSE WERE WE SUPPOSE TO DO? Though when he first came, my aunt was like, "Why are you all playing? How can i watch TV than? I want to watch TV!". We have practically 4 TVs in our house! One of which is in her room! Why can't she go to her room and watchz? Why does she have tp watch it downstairs? She is so Lame! So i got really fed up and went to the kitchen after she went back in and said, "Don't you have a TV in your room? Why must you use the one in the living room?" She replied," Cannot is it? Why you got a problem with me watching downstairs? You becoming naughtier leh!" After she said that, i just left the kitchen while she became "crazy", shouting at me, asking me to go back in to state my point. I just simply ignored her. Till now, i still inore her.
Okay enough bout' that. I went for tuition today and the teacher was so boring! I don't think she knows how to teach! She talks so softly and no one can hear her. oh! By the way , she's not my teacher and this is just a replacement class i missed. Luckily, today's lesson was not important. Also, i think she's deaf. She asked who my original teacher was so i told her. She kept asking me to repeat, saying i was so soft! I was practically using the volume like when i talked to my aunt yesterday! Mind you, it was quite loud! If she was an oldlady, than maybe it wasn't so bad but she was probably less then 35 Years old'! -_-" *diao*. I'LL PROBABLY NEVER FORGET THIS HORRIBLE LESSON!
I've also found some cool videos on YouTube. For those who don't know, the website is Go to the search area and type in ms swan. The videos are really funny! There are alot of it. Maybe 5 or 6. I recommend you the starbucks one. Hope you enjoy it! Chao!

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Yay it's Saturday!

Finally, it's Sat. I woke up at like 11 sumthing. I feel completely bored doing the History work. Like i promised, i'll say more about the celebrations. So, after that, they had this thing called "Choose a teacher that you think has the biggest feet". I remembered someone saying Mr Kwok and the whole school laughing after that. No offence but i think he was sent to detention. Lolx. Hmm, so many projects, so little time. I'll probably try to squeez in a time to post again somewhere during the week. Maybe also tomorrow? Hope so. In the mean time, enjoy life!